Archive | 2007
Maureen AlsopEpithalamium
Craig BlaisUncommon Parts
William GreenwayRodeo Clown
Nathan McClainWatching a Lover Assemble a Chair
Gail PeckElegy
Catherine PierceI Go Back to Ohio
Shelly ReedSmoke
Erin SmithOr
Erin SmithTessellations
Larissa SzporluckGrapeshot
Julie WallaceFathoming
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Maureen AlsopEpithalamiumA fire on the hill is the cane crop
churning over and over
at midday. Thwarted,
the field you once left green trails
off into ash. Except
for you and your summer gown
which is now a red plume of dust. Barely
visible, you stand in the honeysuckle shade
with your forearms crossed over your ribcage. Vivid
wafts of heat flag at your ankles. The border here
is muted by the quivering skirts
of palm trees. The oleander
blushes as the sun blazes a magenta steam. He
drinks in your silhouette as if sipping
at the interstices of your inscrutable song. And
in defiance to death
a quabird rises hardened to the sky. Gray speaks
each wing to the night: this night
tender — fumbling who
married you to me? The Brickfielder wind
presses the smell of coffee and horse-urine northward
into this yellow country as you tremble with sweat
for the last time radiant virile—